Why You NEED to read The Fat Cat In The Red Hat Runs for Office

The Fat Cat in the Red Hat Runs for Office is a picture book written by Barron John and illustrated by Daniel Irala. The book is a satirical take on the events leading up to Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election.

The book has fun cartoonish illustrations, and it’s something you could imagine being animated for TV. All characters in the book are some form of animal, with the majority of them being cats. Former president, Barack Obama and former presidential candidate Hillery Clinton are also depicted as cats.

The contents of this book may look like it’s geared towards children, but it’s a fun depiction of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign that points out all the irony of it, so people of all ages will find pleasure in reading it. At 28 pages, The Fat Cat in the Red Hat can be enjoyed in one sitting.

What’s more creative about the book is that the story is told completely in limericks, adding more flare to the experience. On one page, Hillery Catton says the following… “He attacked our president. Claimed he wasn’t a natural born resident!

One of my personal favourite pages is when the Fat Cat has a trout thrown out of his rally for holding a sign of protest.

The Fat Cat in the Red Hat Runs for Office book cover
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The Fat Cat in the Red Hat Runs for Office will be entertaining to revisit periodically, to remind ourselves of the absurdity that is contemporary politics. It’s a quirky and clever reading experience and I can’t wait to read more from Barron and Daniel in the future.

Gary Swaby

A full-time writer for ABF Creative, Frozen Water Publishing, The Koalition and Redital Publishing. Gary resides in the United Kingdom and has a deep appreciation for the art of writing and storytelling.