Review Policy

This site accepts review requests for books of all genres. Submissions are accepted but with the understanding that the reading list is huge.

Rules for Submission
To submit your book for review, please first send an enquiry using the contact form with the genre and book summary and page count. Please also state whether it’s published or unreleased, and whether you’ll be providing it in ebook or print format. State the publisher name.

After doing so, someone will reply back to you and give you a possible window of time for the review.

Gaining priority on the review list
There’s a few things you can do to try and get a higher priority on the list.

  • Having a professional standard book cover. Presentation is everything.
  • Being lucky enough to be in a genre that we’re currently prioritizing (we mainly enjoy Mystery, Psychological thriller, Sci-fi / Fantasy and Crime).

We allow publishers to sponsor us for a month in order to become the monthly featured book. Please use the contact form to enquire about this.