Book Promotion Tips for New Authors

For new authors, getting a book published is both an exciting and somewhat unnerving time. Having a physical copy of your book in hand, ready to sell is a huge accomplishment! But, with millions of titles published each year, one of the biggest (and scariest) hurdles you’ll have to face is book promotion.

Even if you have a great story that people will love, it doesn’t guarantee your book will become an immediate hit. People need to know what it’s about and where they can get a copy.

Maybe you’re working with a publishing company, or maybe you’re trying to DIY the experience. Whatever the case, there are things you can do to market and promote your book to the right people. With a few simple tips, book promotion can be easy and effective, and you can enjoy the fruits of your labor by getting your title in front of your target audience.

Let’s cover a few of the best promotion ideas you can use to get your book off the ground.

Book promotion tips for new authors

Find the Method of Marketing that Suits your Personality

Chances are, you didn’t become an author thinking you would have to become a marketing expert, too. But, when you’re just starting out and trying to promote your book, it’s important to have a marketing strategy in place – even before your book is published.

As an author, consider yourself a freelancer. You are your brand, and it’s important to market yourself and everything you create the right way. While everyone’s marketing strategy will be slightly different, there are a few key components to have in place that will help you find success, including:

  • A high-quality website
  • A strong social media presence
  • A personal branding strategy
  • A diverse portfolio of your previous work

Once you have all of the essentials set up, you can use analytics and data to determine who your target audience is. Who will be most likely to read your book, and how can you specifically reach out to them? For example, if your title is meant for young adult readers, you might have more success marketing on TikTok than on Twitter.

After you’ve started your marketing efforts, continue reviewing the data and see which aspects of your strategy are working, and what might need to change. Marketing takes consistent effort and requires flexibility, but it’s a necessity when you’re trying to expose your book and your brand.

Tips for authors

Use Content Marketing to Attract New Readers

The worldwide web is full of information. There are billions of people around the world scanning the web for information every day. This information fits under the label of content, and content is the heart of the internet.

That means the easiest way to attract eyeballs is to create content that people want to see. I know, I know…you’re an author. You never imagined having to blog, write instructions, podcast, or record videos. But if you want a super-easy way to attract dozens, hundreds, or thousands of visitors every day, then you should absolutely consider having a stream of content to attract the type of readers you want to buy your book.

For instance, if you wrote a hard science fiction novel, that means your readers will be super invested in science and/or space travel. One could only assume that as the author of this book, you also share the same interest. Why not start a blog or newsletter that focuses completely on this subject matter so you can connect with like-minded people who love science as much as you. Once these people see how enthusiastic you are about their favorite hobby, there’s a high chance they will buy your book.

Similarly, if you are writing non-fiction for a living, it’s even easier to create content around the main subject of your book. For example, maybe you published a book on botany. This is such a specific niche that it wouldn’t be hard to attract your ideal reader with a stream of free content based on the hobby.

A major tip is to build your content marketing strategy around your website and newsletter. Your website could have a blog page. You could also offer a free PDF guide to those who subscribe to your newsletter. For some, this step might feel time-consuming, but who said marketing a book was going to be easy?

Reach Out to Reviewers and Influencers

Networking is as important as ever in the publishing industry, but the way it’s done has changed over the years. Thanks to advancements in technology, you can connect with people who can boost your book sales from just about anywhere in the world.

One of the best ways to get your title noticed is to reach out to book reviewers. The more reviews you get, the more visible your book will be to potential readers. Do your research when it comes to different bloggers and reviewers, especially in your book’s genre, and ask them to review your work. You might get quite a few rejections at first. But, once one reviewer gives you a shot, others are likely to follow.

If you’re aiming to attract a younger audience, you might also consider working with social media influencers. Influencers are people who have the power to sway people’s buying habits. They tend to have millions of followers on different social media platforms, and those followers trust their recommendations and suggestions.

You can really take advantage of influencer communities on TikTok, thanks to the “BookTok” community. Book lovers on TikTok are creating a lot of buzz in the publishing industry, using #BookTok to connect with other readers, influencers, authors, and anyone interested in trying a new genre. You can create your own TikTok and use #BookTok to talk about your work or connect with a popular BookTok influencer to get your name out there.

By working with an influencer who regularly recommends books or someone with an audience that might appreciate your writing, you can get your book out there to a completely new demographic.

Book marketing tips

Don’t Forget to Bring your New Book Promotion Skills to the Real World!

Having an old-fashioned book tour is still one of the best ways to promote a new novel. It allows you to network with people, meet your readers, and entice those who might be interested in your book but haven’t yet given it a chance.

If you’re setting everything up on your own, preparing for a tour can be a challenge. Reach out to a variety of different locations, including:

  • Book stores
  • College campuses
  • High schools
  • Conventions
  • Coffee shops

When you think about your target audience, it should be easier to come up with different locations to promote your book. You might even want to consider traveling to other parts of the country or across the globe if you think your work would resonate with different cultures.

If you’re not ready to travel or you don’t have the means to do so, conduct virtual interviews and Q&A sessions as part of your tour. It’s not uncommon for authors to connect with local news stations or podcasts to promote their books, and you can do that from the comfort of your own home (especially in this post-COVID world). Make sure your video background is professional but also shows off some of your personality. You’ll want to focus on ensuring you have adequate lighting and the sound is crisp and clear. If you’re going to do things virtually, there’s no room for error.

You’ve already done the hard work – creating a book you know can be successful. Now, it’s time to make other people realize how good it is. Keep these ideas in mind if you’re trying to promote your new book, and you’ll be more likely to find success while creating life-long loyal readers.